Story Time for the Children
Late August came and went and left us with a 24 hour fever and a self imposed slow down moment for the both of us . It was great. We snuggled a lot. Cuddled, slept together ( great for her, less for me as having little gangly 5 yo legs in my face/neck/back/butt gets old very quick). Little one doesn’t know it- but she is on a tv-detox after mama relied a little much on screens during travel and throughout the year in general with solo-parenting. I digress. I have no regrets. I did what I needed to get by. But the time to get back into story telling is nigh. Especially as cooler and cozier weather is on the horizon.
I asked my amazing gang of IG peeps to share their favorite children’s podcasts and audio books and here is what we got:
We nurture - Stories for Children (our favorite)
This article looked pretty good too:
If you have any you would like to share please comment below!