
July Around The House

July Around The House

We’re on the other side of 2021. I’m somehow craving fallen acorns, crunchy leaves, and making applesauce while simultaneously craving burying my feet in the sand, drinking a shrub mock-tail, and eating stone fruit by the basket-full.

So much has happened since my April around the House post. I typically try to take inventory of my camera roll each Sunday to see what we’ve gotten up to. Here is a recap for you and I.

Yearly family pictures. Because why not. I want my decedents to look back like ok she was cuuuutteee!

Also my yearly squash pictures got a little curlier and cuter.

I also have a brand spankin’ new 5 yo.

and started consuming shrubs more regularly.

In the past 4 months my flock has gone from 3 hens then to 6 an d then recently, my Barred rock hen went broody and thanks to the farm store down the way she is the proud mama of 4 little Isa Brown chicks. Isa Browns make large deep brown eggs we love.

We’ve been enjoying lots of homegrown bouquets

and identifying lots of mushrooms on our hikes. Witches butter fungus.

I also have been slowly indulging my love of pottery

and successfully had a birthday party while grieving the loss of a loved one.

I hope your summers/winters wherever you are in the world are being good to ya.



Story Time for the Children

Story Time for the Children

How Things Are Looking These Days

How Things Are Looking These Days